Presenting: The Villian Proposed

RiMA - PIXIV Presenting a new novel, raws provided by jasmine🌸, Aa88 and manhwalover. I hail the consortium! Blurb: Lady Regina Bellua happens upon a murder one fateful evening and sees the killer. The killer is none other than Society's darling, the Duke of Greroy, Arsene Greroy.  And he saw her...

Woman Hating Duke 19 & 20 (h)

Cover of Brazen by Margo Magure - Pinterest

19 Marius and the Bedroom:

‘Bre-brennan…is that you? How come you’re here?’ I said cheerfully trying to hide my nervousness.
Brennan Humir, my third fiancée; he had been a civil servant in a big town but he was fired and arrested after I revealed his crimes. He was supposed to be in prison.
‘Julia! Because of you, my life became foolish!’
He grabbed his gray hair that had grown in his absence. He grabbed my arm tightly, I looked up at him to see there was madness floating in his eyes. He forcibly dragged me off; even if I tried to fight him off I would not be able to get free from his tremendous strength.
‘Stop it, Brennan! Why are you here?’
Instead of answering the question, he dragged me into an allegorical alley and pushed me against the wall. I could not believe such a big city had such a path that people did not come through.
‘I escaped from jail. There is a back entrance that the military police did not oversee properly. I paid money to escape. Thanks to that, I do not have to serve my sentence!’
My body was petrified before the bare malice. I could not do anything, I was just trembling, I could barely speak.
‘But then I saw Julia and I thought my luck has not totally run out! I thought to thank you: Marrying you was a chance to enter the nobility, but you destroyed everything!’
His eyes were bloodshot and filled with madness; he was serious. He really wanted to take revenge.
I tried to calm down and gauge the situation; I would have to push Brennan off me to escape, but I am in a dead end of a narrow alley. Even though he was a civilian, Brennan was a pretty big man. I would not be able to free myself with force. Even if I wanted to shout for help, nobody was passing by this unique alley. Even if someone does pass, I could not guarantee that they would help. As expected, I could only depend on myself to escape. Just then, I heard a low tenor call my name.
Marius appeared at the entrance of the alley leaning on a corner of the wall. While Brennan did not let go, he pulled me with him to turn to the intruder. On my part, I was relieved, I could finally shout for help. I could not hide my surprise at his presence, but I shouted,
‘Help! Marius!’
Marius stared at Brennan.
‘Did you come to save Julia? I will not give up revenge so easily! You have better leave before you get injured!’ As he said that Brennan took a knife from his jacket. I still was relieved. Marius was a Knight against a civilian with a knife, it would be easy to win. But he said something crazy,
‘Oh? You can take revenge you want, I will not stop you. I don’t mind letting you continue, I’m just here to watch.'
I shouted loudly; what was this guy saying? Where is the man who would help a lady in this situation?!
‘Wait a moment!’ I said suddenly angry, ‘It doesn’t matter how much you dislike me, aren’t you a gentleman?! You’re supposed to help, why are there options not to help?’
Marius came closer to me and said with a low growl, staring at me with angry eyes,
‘I hate you. All I have thought about this past two weeks is you. It’s like I have gone crazy. If this man is going to get revenge for me, I will watch him do it. I will let him get his revenge.’
‘This is funny. This is absolutely hilarious; your shitty logic unfolds! It’s bad enough that you treat me inconsiderately, but to behave so coldly and leave me like this; you’re a true misogynist!’
‘That’s wrong, you were inconsiderate first! That’s why I’m freaking out! All I think about is you every goddamned day. You’re driving me insane!’
‘Yeah right! You who is seen about town everyday with Muriel, I’d say it would be better if your stretched out your own nose!’ (Zuben: are you saying if he misses you, he should be bedridden writing sonnets to you? I thought you didn’t like him?)
‘Well, you’re seeing James everyday as well! Why him, of all people?’
‘Because James is inviting himself over without permission, you, on the other hand, are inviting Muriel out, and flirting, just the two of you, everyday! There is a big difference to me!’
We had somehow forgotten Brennan’s presence in our argument. An angry Brennan swung his knife in between us and shouted,
‘Hey shut up! Hey you, if you don’t want to get in the way, just stay there and watch while I rape her. After that I do not want to see her face again. You can go ahead after me, but I don’t think I can keep my sanity any longer!’
Brennan put his hand on the ribbon holding my dress. The ribbon was around my neck and tied at the front, once it was open my breasts would be exposed. Brennan’s face approached mine as he pulled off the ribbon.
He wanted to kiss me! I tried to turn my face away, trying to avoid the shining purple lips getting closer to mine, but I could not resist because he held my chin. His bad breath hung over me, making disgusted chills run down my spine!
‘No…!’ I protested just before our lips touched. Marius shouted as if woken up by my protest,
‘Wait! I will do it!’ he said as he suddenly grabbed Brennan’s head and pushed him away with one hand, before his lips overlapped mine. As his soft lips gently touched mine, a nostalgic sweet scent spread in my mouth. Then his hot luscious tongue entangled with mine. We devoured each other’s saliva as if to confirm each other’s existence. Moans of sensuality emerged from feeling so good.
‘This bastard! You came to save Julia after all!’
Brennan who was pressed against the wall by Marius tried to use his knife against Marius, but Marius grabbed his wrist and twisted it making him drop with knife and kicked Brennan in the belly, all without even looking at Brennan. Brennan screamed as he fell to the ground and lost consciousness. The shock of kicking Brennan broke the kiss, our lips separated for a moment. The ribbon that had been unravelled loosened and the dress fell open and down as if it was blown by the wind. My smooth elastic skin was exposed, and the valley of my chest was visible. My breasts were barely covered and they jiggled lightly, (Zuben: who describes their skin own skin as smooth and elastic?)
‘Ah!’ I held my dress up in a panic so that Marius would not see, but he held my hands apart to stop me. His low tenor echoed in the alley, there was resonance of a ruler you could not disobey,
‘I will take revenge this way; so do not hide your body. Show yourself to me, or is it because James has left kiss marks on you that you can’t show me?’
‘No, I don’t understand what you’re talking about. Why are you angry with me now? Shouldn’t it be the other way round? I should be the one angry.’
‘No! Show me! Do you know how I have suffered this past two weeks? I can’t put up with this feeling any longer. Show me your body, I can’t take it anymore!’
His floppy black hair and smouldering black eyes were different from the usual Duke, but his voice was the same. The same as that afternoon at the park. Staring at him with his flushed cheeks and his gaze that would not meet mine, I felt drawn to him and began to feel strange,
‘I’m not doing any such thing! Isn’t it Muriel you like? Ask her to do it!’
‘She can’t do it…it’s impossible with any one but Julia. Please don’t give your body to James, don’t look at any other man…don’t make me crazy any more…’
What was Marius saying? This was like a confession of love no matter how you hear it. Does Marius- Does the Duke love me? Or was he trying to trick me and hurt me again?
Before I could answer, the heavens opened and it began to pour with rain. The weather had been so good, but now the sky was covered in dark heavy clouds. I hadn’t noticed because I had been distracted by Brennan.
Marius looked up at the sky, and suddenly released me, but he immediately carried me in his arms. I held my dress together.
‘Julia, let’s get somewhere dry. It would not be good to stay here.’
No. I think it is dangerous enough to be with you! I cried out in my mind.
My cheeks were flushed and my eyes were bright with excitement looking at Marius who was breathing heavily as he carried me off and ran. Looking at his face from below, he was neat, elegant and beautiful. I could not help but notice the way the rain drops hung on his long lashes before they fell away. As we ran, Marius would sometimes weaken the power of his hold as if he was going to drop me, making me grab his shirt to hold on tight. He kept doing it while having a fascinating smile on his face like he was having fun.
This person was being deliberate!
We went through the alley way and got on the street I had seen him earlier, but Marius did not slow down. He ran down the street into another, down an unfamiliar boulevard and entered an unfamiliar house.
‘Where are you taking me? Whose house it this?’
‘This is Marius’ house. Don’t worry there is no one here but you and I.’
That is what makes me worried. I do not want to fall into the S&M woman-hating Duke of Magnaria’s clutches!
He carried me up the stairs to the second floor and we entered a bedroom. There was a single bed, a desk and wardrobe. I was wet from the rain and soaked through to my skin. The thin fabric of my dress stuck to my skin making me feel uncomfortable. But I was worried about what was going to happen now that Marius had me in his bedroom. I looked up at him in terror (Zuben: Or in anticipation?), but my eyes were blurred with water from the rain, I could not see him properly. He threw me into the bed.
‘Kii!!’ I exclaimed as my body sank into the bed. The water got knocked off due to the impact, and I could see him clearly. (Zuben: I can see clearly now the rain has gone…). He was dripping wet. He scrapped back his wet hair with his hand and two attractive eyes appeared. There were water droplets on his soft lips. He was panting from the exertion. He looked very sensual. I was suddenly breathless. I gulped at his mesmerising beautiful appearance. Ah~ an Ikemen’s wet look; such destructive power. I would like to know which girl could resist this.
For a moment I was stunned lying on the bed with my arms propping me up, mesmerised by Marius. The Marius rose to full height and said,
‘Julia, take of your clothes and let me see your body.’ (Zuben: Give me your body)
So I returned to myself.
Perhaps Marius was trying to seduce me and strip me naked, taking my purity (Zuben: Ha!) and then throw me away for revenge! It could have been dangerous! Once again, I have been misled by his beauty.
I looked around the room surreptitiously with keeping alert; there was a leather belt hanging over the chair and a string on the desk that led to a red ball on the floor. Mobilising my book knowledge, a horrible hypothesis was established; the Duke has a S&M hobby!
Maybe he is going to tie me up with the cord, and put the ball in my mouth and beat me with the leather belt before robbing me of my purity! (Zuben: Facepalm)
As I thought about what was in store for me, I could feel the blood draining away.
Marius stood at the foot of the bed dripping with rain water. His cheeks were flushed, and I could tell he was really sexually excited. I looked down and could see his erection straining against his trousers. He was so hard you could see the shape insistently through the thick material of his trousers.
‘Julia, please. Every night I try to imagine your naked body and I can’t sleep. If I could just see the real thing, I’m sure I could finally rest. Please…’
Oh no! The Duke has gone erratic! 

20 Marius in the Bedroom.

Tie him up! I have to tie him up before he gets me! (Zuben: Excuses. Excuses)
In this situation, it was best to take a high handed attitude, so I sat up on the bed and folded my arms and said, ‘I understand, I will show you my nakedness in return for your assistance today. But you need to be naked first or it would not be fair.’ I had to be as arrogant to Marius as possible.
‘Me…? I wonder why…Julia isn’t interested in me or is it that you actually like me?’
‘I’ve decided to hate you! I am not your slave that you can ask to be naked as you like. If you want me naked, take of your clothes right now. Or you won’t get to see me nude.’
Rain water ran down his face from his slick wet hair. His expression was pained. For a moment there, that expression was too much. I was safe on the bed, otherwise, if I had been standing I would certainly have collapsed from weakened knees.
I patted my chest to calm myself while watching Marius’ hesitant movements. Outside the rain poured against the window in a hard and steady tattoo. The room was dim although it was still early afternoon. As the rain hit the window, it became hard to distinguish whether the rapid beat was my heart or the rain.
Marius raised his hands to the buttons of his shirt reluctantly. Was it bashfully? He looked down as he unbuttoned his shirt one by one. It looked like it was hard to unbutton because it was wet from the rain. His cheeks were dyed vermilion; was it from sexual excitement or shame? As his fingers undid the buttons, Marius’ skin was exposed; his Adam's apple, his clavicle; I could remember its hardness, then came his well developed pectoral muscles, and the dents of this abdominal muscles appeared. His abdominal muscles were moving up and down in rapidly along with his intensified breathing. 
A small groan leaked out of his well formed lips from embarrassment. On my part, I was revived watching a handsome Duke slowly take off his clothes as I have commanded while he was enduring the humiliation.
What a lewd sight. This was what moe was all about. I want to see his disturbed expression more!
When Marius finished with the buttons, he was about to shrug off the wet shirt but I shouted unexpectedly,
‘Wait! Leave your shirt as is, please take off your trousers and underwear. It looks like your thing is straining against your trousers, it hurts to look at it.’
To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t being altruistic. The beautiful wet shirt clinging to his skin look had considerable impact. This was more visually striking that being naked. (Zuben: Let him catch a cold to be visually striking…)
Marius was obedient to my commands. His intimidating attitude seems to have taken a holiday and now he obeyed my orders like a well trained dog. My heart beat rose sharply as he blushed and did as I bid.
Amazing! So amazing! What beautiful flesh; there is no excess muscle or fat. Everything is just right and so fascinating.
While I was immersed in Marius’ sex appeal, he took of his shoes and removed his belt. Next was the trouser button. Since he was so engorged just under the button seemed to have jammed in its button hole. He attempted undoing it but because of his wet hands he could not grasp the metal button. I soon lost patience and decided to do it for him,
‘What a useless person, I’ll take it off,' I said.
I sat up on the bed in front of Marius; his trouser button was now under my chest. My wet cold hand hit his skin as I tried to undo his buttons and could see his muscles tense. How cute…
I succeeded in undoing the top button. Slowly, I unbuttoned down his front placket. Sometimes my fingers brushed against his fevered thing, and he shook his hips seeking something.
I realised Marius had called my name passionately, and he grasped both my arms painfully. I followed his sight and realised that he could see my breasts; my nipples were suddenly erect from being stared at and protruding and my areola could be seen through the wet dress.
‘Ah…’ I exclaimed as Marius tried to take off my wet dress roughly.
‘No! You must be naked first.’
‘But Julia, we must be equal. I took off my shirt now it’s your turn. Your nipples are erect, they are as good as naked. Are you excited to see me naked, Julia?’
‘No…don’t say such things!’
But it’s true; I was excited seeing him naked. It was shameful but true. To be honest, I had the urge to just pull off his trousers and underwear at the same time, just to see what he looked like fully naked. I was afraid of myself because I had a hard time holding back this desire. I shuddered at the power of the beauty of a wet Ikemen; it was a deadly weapon. (Zuben: yes, the power of a wet ikemen, not your lust)
So I proposed a compromise, ‘I know; you can take my dress off, but you have to do it from behind me.’
If we did this, he would not be able to notice my embarrassed appearance, and I would not go crazy and drag down Marius’ trousers. Instead I thought about how I should tie Marius up.  What kind of binding should I use? I don’t know how to do the tortoise shell but tying up his forearms behind his back…I smiled at my delusions as I turned my back to Marius. To give him easy access I pulled my hair from my neck and put it over my shoulder; there was a gulp behind me. There was warm breath to my neck and it tickled.
He put his arms around me and opened the upper part of my dress wide. My breasts were feeling fuller, trembling as though they had been waiting for freedom from the wet cloth. I could not see Marius’ expression but I could hear his breathing get faster, it started to make me excited somehow. I concentrated in the large hands moving grazing the bottom swells of my chest, so I did not notice the warm hard stuff hitting my butt for a time. Finally it looked as though he understood how the dress worked. After fumbling around, he found the ribbon around my waist and tried to unravel it. For some reason, our bodies drew closer together, and Marius fit perfectly behind me. He was so close I could feel the shape of his abdominal muscles with my back.
With Marius’ body heat surrounding my back and his arms moving around the front of me, there was a warm pleasant wave coming from the lower belly, I moaned unexpectedly,
Marius could not seem to unravel the knot, he kept doing it the wrong way. (Zuben: All his blood has flown south for the afternoon). His muscular arms sometimes brushed against my sensitive breasts increasing the sensuality,
I sighed. I don’t know what changed Marius’ mind, but he stopped trying to untie the ribbon and instead cupped my breasts with his big hands. I steeled myself waiting for him to massage them quickly, but Marius held my breasts gently in his hands and did not move.
There was only silence between us. The sound of the rain increasing its ferocity on the glass was the only sound in the room. I did not know how long it was before Marius’s index finger moved a little and touched my nipple that had become ultimately sensitive from the wait. Even with just that simple touch, the pleasure that shot through me was thrilling and intense.
‘Fu ah~…’
Listening to my moan of pleasure, Marius’ hand began to move slowly and caressed my breasts. It was agonisingly slow, but it was so much more sensual that being wildly fondled. I immersed myself in a sense of elation as though I was flying in the sky.
I replied with a moan of pleasure.
My body became warm, I could not tell whether it was me or Marius. He strengthened the power of his hold. Holding me against his body tightly, deeply, as though he was trying to bind me to his chest. I suddenly wanted him, I turned and put my arms around his neck. Both our lips were close enough to touch, desperately seeking, yet after a little touch we would part.
We put our tongues out to each other for a taste, and entangled that way. He pinched my nipples between his index and middle fingers and twisted and pulled. He began to rub his hot hard thing at my butt violently. He strengthened the power pressing me further, soon we were bent forward. For a moment I thought my breast were being held tightly, were released and the tension was released in my body.
I wondered why.
I escaped from the now weakened arms and turned to look at him. His black hair was messy, his cheeks were flushed and his breathing was rough. He was staring at me with smouldering eyes. His shirt was blown apart and fluttered as he panted. Because his placket was open, his underpants were visible, and I was convinced I could see the essential part wet with something that was not rain.
‘You came all by yourself, bad boy! Your trousers will get dirty. Let’s take them off quickly so I can have a look.’ (Zuben: Someone lost the battle...)
‘…Julia…’ Marius called my name in that small but sensual low tenor.


  1. Ok ok, i know this is the sexy part but im freakin ROFLing here😂😂
    Im sorry but ive never felt more pity to a convict who announced his attempted rape, like seriously.. Poor brennan😂 hahaha
    Tie marius up like a ham for xmas hahaah

    Thanks for the chapter TL!

  2. Ohohoo
    Let's all be honest Julia has the wrong way, Marius is not S but a huge M haha
    Looking forward to the next chapters :) thanks translator

    1. Hehe ikr! And she is obviosly an S. Just look at her calling him a 'bad boy' and telling him what to do ;D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I understand that these 2 are there in the story title and are the main characters so some bending of logic is to be expected. However, judging from the first few chapters, the author is considerably smart. (Characters can only be as smart as the writer).
    This made me wonder- is there a hidden meaning in this story? That no matter how intelligent you are, or how resolute your decisions are, you can never truly suppress your inner feelings?

  5. Fufu! She said he was an S but in reality she is actually an S 😂 i love this couple and the Ml's obedience. He's such a M

  6. LOl this chapter is so funny. That Julia is super S and the duke is super M .They are perfect for each other.Tq

  7. The smut is def hot but... Ugh what I hate the most on a character is their unstable characterization. Her char has several contradicts and I hate it. Also, I hate attempted rape like that. I hate it so much. The ML right there is a scumbag. Ah I feel very angry in this chapter.

  8. Oh dear Julia. Who are you fooling? You are the S in this relationship. Look at you wanting to tie him up and torment him with your demands.


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