
Showing posts from September, 2018

Presenting: The Villian Proposed

RiMA - PIXIV Presenting a new novel, raws provided by jasmine🌸, Aa88 and manhwalover. I hail the consortium! Blurb: Lady Regina Bellua happens upon a murder one fateful evening and sees the killer. The killer is none other than Society's darling, the Duke of Greroy, Arsene Greroy.  And he saw her...

Dark Empress: Chapter 10 and Epilogue (H)

Source Love Me: Soft small face, rounded eyes, small hands grabbing her hair, the pink tender mouth blowing raspberries...Jiang Chuwei’s heart melted quickly. When she saw he was going to put her hair in his mouth, she quickly grew it away from him, ‘No…’ When he saw there was nothing to chew on, his little face scrunched up immediately. The small hand squeezed into a fist, and his cheeks were puffing out raspberries. So cute! Chuwei hesitated to come for a long time. Finally, she got on the carriage and came to see him. Yongfu led her to the room that they were staying. When she saw Xiahou was not there, she couldn’t help but relax; then she saw the cradle next to the bed. Her heart leapt nervously as she slowly walked up to the cradle. She held her breath as her child came into view. He was awake, but he was not crying. He was by himself in the cradle, looking about, kicking his chubby legs. (Zuben: Who else is going to be in there; Xiahou?) When he saw her, he

Dark Empress: Chapter 9

Source New Life:     ‘Ah Chuwei! Are you going to wash your clothes at the brook? Have you eaten this afternoon?’ A wide statured aunt said with smile to Chuwei. ‘Aunt Fu, I have a steamed bun with me.’ she replied. She was carrying a wooden bucket with a few clothes and sticks inside it, but her thin arms made one fear she would drop the bucket at any moment. ‘How is it enough to only eat a bun? Look at you, so thin. Come now, have these two meat buns for lunch.’Aunt Fu said as she merrily picked two hot meat buns from the steamer. ‘Aunt Fu, there’s no need!’ Chuwei was embarrassed by the older woman’s generosity; Aunt Fu usually sent meat buns to her home from time to time, as well as vegetables and chicken. She was embarrassed, but Aunt Fu waved away her rejection, ‘It doesn’t matter. No need to be polite.’ she wrapped the meat buns in oil paper and put the buns in her bucket. ‘You work so hard teaching the children. We are bothering you to take care of our G

Dark Empress: Chapter 8 (H)

Source Warm Cold Palace: In the middle of the night, Jiang Chuwei woke up with a start. Her sleepy eyes looked round to find a figure in white standing outside the canopy of her bed. She was shocked and her sleepiness vanished instantly. Looking at the figure, she said nothing, just bit her nails on one hand nervously while holding her belly with her other hand. After a while, she heard a faint sigh and the figure approached the bed. Her heart began to thud in her chest. The canopy opened and the mattress dented; she saw him. For some reason, her eyes and nose stung and she felt like she wanted to cry. Oh! How she hated pregnancy; it made her so vulnerable. Holding back her tears, she watched him silently. He also said nothing. Neither of them moved. They just stared at each other in the dark. After what seemed like a long time, a warm palm covered hers over her rounded belly. She trembled and quickly pulled back her hand. But his did not leave; he pulled away her

Dark Empress: Chapter 7

Source Isolation: ‘Niangniang has a cold naturally weak body, but there have been no major ups and downs in her emotions. This time she fainted because of agitation. Chen kui will prescribe some medicine to nurture Niangniang’s body…’ Jiang Chuwei woke up to the voice of the doctor. She didn’t open her eyes but lay quietly in her bed. Even when the doctor left she still remained silent. She knew he was still there. ‘Are you calmer?’ Xiahou Yin asked. He was standing by the bed and knew she was awake. She did not reply him. Her eyes remained closed, she did not want to look at him. She had calmed down. After her temper, her strength was gone, but that did not mean she had forgiven him. The fact that he hid it from her, and his self-righteousness after she confronted him still made her angry. She was not Su Xiurong, she could not be obedient. She had never thought of having children for him. She had never thought she would stay in this palace for the rest of h