Presenting: The Villian Proposed

RiMA - PIXIV Presenting a new novel, raws provided by jasmine🌸, Aa88 and manhwalover. I hail the consortium! Blurb: Lady Regina Bellua happens upon a murder one fateful evening and sees the killer. The killer is none other than Society's darling, the Duke of Greroy, Arsene Greroy.  And he saw her...

When Rabbit Met Wolf 19 - 20



Xiao Qi bounded up to her happily and took her hand, he bowed deeply a few times, ‘Sister Rabbit, you deserve a song in my heart! So powerful! You just got out of heartbreak and started the second spring of your life so quickly! And your beau is such a big man! You’re a great person! I’ve decided! I will hang your portrait at the head of my bed forever!’

Xiao Tu stared at the bowing Xiao Qi in confusion, looking at him going up and down was making her dizzy, ‘Bah! You’re cursing me! I don’t understand what this is; can you explain? You’ve making me dizzy.’

 Rabbit and Wolf sitting on a plane molesting each other

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