Presenting: The Villian Proposed

RiMA - PIXIV Presenting a new novel, raws provided by jasmine🌸, Aa88 and manhwalover. I hail the consortium! Blurb: Lady Regina Bellua happens upon a murder one fateful evening and sees the killer. The killer is none other than Society's darling, the Duke of Greroy, Arsene Greroy.  And he saw her...

Fucking Everyday 43 - 44



43 A Clue

Back in A City, the six men had gradually accepted the fact that Su Yue had left them. After the violent rage on that first night, they had now reached acceptance and composure. Though, their pursuit of her whereabouts had not stopped.

They had a meeting every Saturday to share the progress they were making.

This Saturday, there was something new; Grandma Su had made a phone call to a friend in her hometown where they had bribed, begged and cajoled nearly everyone to let them know if they heard from Grandma Su or Su Yue herself.

‘Unfortunately,’ Wang Yu told the men over the phone, ‘the call was an internet call so it can’t be traced.’

‘Damn it.’

‘At least we know they are safe somewhere,’

‘Yeah,’ Wang Yu leaned back in his office chair and rubbed his forehead, the headache that had appeared after he learned of Su Yue’ disappearance eight months ago hadn’t abated.

‘I’m going to head over there and see what I can find out.’ He told them.

‘I’ll go with you.’ Wang Quan spoke up.

‘Me too.’ Li An added.

Wang Yu did not mind.

They left A City that afternoon in Wang Yu’s car, with Wang Yu’s driver having the weekend off, Wang Yu was driving himself. Wang Quan and Li An offered to take turns to drive as well. Wang Yu learned that Wang Quan and Li An represented he others that hadn’t been able to make it out. He was rather surprised by the stability of the five-man alliance.

‘Why are you guys willing to share the women you like with the others?’ he asked.

‘Well, I can’t compete against you by myself,’ Wang Yu replied with a laugh.

Li An’s answer seemed more thought out, he was looking outside the window at he passing scenery as he replied, ‘I don’t think Yue-jie likes only you. I think she likes all of us to varying degrees. Besides, I don’t think that one man can satisfy Yue-jiejie.’

‘So for her sexual happiness, I feel I shouldn’t be monopolistic.’

Wang Quan gave a short laugh, that quickly died as Wang Quan and Wang Yu fell into contemplative silence.

Su Yue was indeed special. Even though, each man felt that they had a lot of stamina, it was still hard to satisfy Xiao Yue alone. That was why they always teamed up to have sex with her at the hall. (Zuben: Is that why? Is that so? I thought it was cos y’all couldn’t wait six weeks for the next turn)

Was his desire to have her to himself wrong? Even if he succeeded in capturing her heart and marrying her, would she really be happy with just him?

He suddenly felt unsure.

Wang Yu fell into deep self-reflection.

They drove into a service station to have a meal and refresh themselves. When they got into the car to drive, Wang Quan and Li An noticed a change in Wang Yu; and being more caring of them. Both younger men were quite flattered by this. Though they were against him in the group, they couldn’t help but admire him as a person. His ability and experience was outstanding. There were not surprised that Su Yue fell for him, they were jealous.

It took a day and half to get to the small village outside of C City. They spoke to Su Yue’s grandmas' neighbours, plying them with gifts and money. Eventually, they hit the jackpot. A cousin of Su Yue’s grandmother told them Su Yue was eight months pregnant with twins.

Their initial shock turned into joy. The babies must have been conceived on that night! Li An quickly sent a message to the group chat; they others immediately exploded with shock, joy and excitement. After chatting to the others, Wang Quan and Li An looked at Wang Yu expecting him to be despondent, but he looked quite pleased with himself.

‘The day after, I went to see Su Yue and we had sex -  twice.’

Wang Quan and Li An looked at each other with disappointment mirrored in their eyes. The likelihood that the baby was theirs just dropped considerably.

But they quickly changed their minds, it didn’t matter who the father was, the babies were theirs. Though she left them, she had chosen to keep the babies – which showed that she may have feelings for them.

What could be more exciting than that?

Li An couldn’t help but fantasise about taking care of the babies with Su Yue.

When the men calm down from their elation, they spoke to grandma’s cousin again begging them to let them know when they get news of Grandma Su’s whereabouts.

They were even more eager to find Su Yue now, they wanted to be there when she gave birth.

Meanwhile in the town Su Yue had settled in,

Though she wasn’t working anymore, she still walked to the shop to see how it things were going with her friend, other times she was resting.

When it was time, she, grandma Su and her friend Xiao Yi went to the hospital for her booked caesarean.

It wasn’t long before the babies were out and in her arms; a boy and a girl.

As soon as she saw the babies, her long-held questions were answered. The boy looked had eyebrows and eyes like Wang Yu and the girl had dimples – she could tell who she took after. (Zuben: New born babies look like raisins, how can you tell who looks like who before they are six months?! Also, technically their girl is older.)

She really didn’t expect such a low probability event like fraternal twins would happen.

With no complications after the operation, and the babies were healthy, Su Yue could relax in her confinement.

With grandma Su and Xiao Yi’s care, she was able to live a comfortable life while in confinement. The incision itched and healed slowly and it was painful, but outside of that, there were no issues.

Back in A City, the men got news from the cousin in the village. Grandma Su called to announce the birth, and ask for folk remedies for healing post operation scars, and what she should be doing during confinement.

In this time, she made many phone calls to her cousin and eventually revealed where they were. And it was passed on to the men.

Hearing the news, the men immediately focused their search efforts to the province, and soon found Su Yue.

When he received the photos from the private detective, Wang Yu was shocked. He sat in his office staring at them for a long time before telling the others of the news.

[She’s been found]


[Uncle, you’re not lying. Did the detective really find her]

[Tell us!]

[Yes. He did. I have photos.]

Ever since she disappeared, their hearts had not been at peace. And when they learned she was pregnant, they were even more worried. And now, she had given birth without them around to look after her.

Fortunately, she was find, and now they wanted to see her right away.

[Uncle, I’m coming to your office. I need to see the photos.]

[Me too!]

[Me too!]

[Me too!]

[Me too!]

[Me too!]

Wang Yu couldn’t help but laugh. He put down the phone and leaned back in his office chair.

So relaxing.

Soon, the others arrived and filled his office.

He handed them the photos and the report to peruse.

‘No, we can’t have our baby having her confinement in such a place. I have to go and get her!’ Li Rui said. (Zuben: Shut up, quack doctor)

Thinking she had given birth to two babies for him, Li Rui felt his heart surge. A strong sense of responsibility as a new father instantly filled his mind. (Zuben: Like magic!)

‘As a doctor, I can take good care of them.’

Lu Ruan and the others looked at him, but did not say anything. It was the first time they wished they were doctors themselves.

‘Though we have to get Xiao Yue, we can’t rush things.’ Wang Yu said.

When Wang Yu said this, everyone’s guard went up. Wang Yu noticed this and explained, ‘Remember, she is in hiding from us because she has misunderstandings. If we show up en mass, it would scare her and ruin her recuperation,’

He was right.

Li Rui sighed, ‘You’re right, I was impatient.’

Seeing the men relax, Wang Yu continued, ‘The reason I shared the findings with you is because I want us to reach an agreement before we proceed,’

They looked at each other in curiosity.

‘I have been thinking that I cannot monopolise Su Yue. I have come to the conclusion that I may not be able to make her happy by myself, and so, I am willing to be one of her men.’

‘However, Su Yue has to have feelings for you as well. You cannot force or coerce her.’

Whoever she liked stayed, whomever she didn’t bowed out gracefully, no ifs no buts.

Wang Yu was confident because Su Yue had been falling for him before the incident. And, he had confirmed that the boy had his DNA. He and her were always going to have a connection.

As for other, he didn’t mind them, but it would be better if it wasn’t six.

Even so, he hoped she would only pick the man she truly liked.

Hearing what he said, the others were silent. They couldn’t confidently declare that Su Yue liked them.

But after a time, Li An said, ‘I agree.’

The others looked at him, ‘But I hope to have a year to try and woo Su Yue, and pursue her in a normal way.’

‘If she doesn’t accept me after a year, then...I will give up.’

Wang Yu was right. Su Yue should be allowed to make her own choices, and not be bullied or dominated. That was why she chose to escape.

If they all tried to press her again, what would they do if she chose to run away – would they even find her?

Also, if you love someone, you will want them to be happy. It was harm to force the person you love to be with you forcibly.

Wang Yu looked at Li An with a touch of admiration, out of all these clowns, he liked Li An the most. Though he was young, he had wisdom and was considerate of others. He would advise the kid, and keep him from being separated from his daughter.

He looked at the others, ‘And you gentlemen? Not so confident?’

Shen Chen and Lu Ran looked at each other.

Shen Chen spoke up, ‘I agree to the same terms as Li An. Pursue Su Yue for a year.’

Lu Ran glared at Shen Chen, he was about to finish at university, and his parents had enrolled him to a masters abroad, if he stayed for Su Yue, he would lose his place.

‘Xiao Chen...’

But Shen Chen felt, as long as the five of them stayed united, Wang Yu couldn’t do anything.

‘Cousin,’ Shen Chen addressed Lu Ran, ‘Yue-jiejie is a person, not a tool. I think the previous lesson was enough.’ (Zuben: You don’t say…)

‘I want Sis to accept me on her terms. If it doesn’t work out, I will leave without fuss. Like Wang Yu and Xiao An, I want Sis to be happy.’

In the past nine months, he regretted cooperating with his cousin to record the video and hurt Yue-jiejie. (Zuben: IIRC, it wasn’t cooperating, it was masterminding.)

Since she had vanished, he had been reflecting on his actions and regretting them. Now that they had found her, he wanted to atone for his actions and beg for forgiveness.

‘I will join in this agreement too,’ Li Rui said, ‘I believe she has feelings for me. I will spend the year trying to cultivate those feelings, let her know my true heart and sincerity. I have confidence that she will choose me.’

Wang Quan and Lu Ran were still silent, but Lu Ran sat upright, ‘I agree as well.’

Wand Quan looked at him, panicked, ‘Without this confidence, what qualifications do you have to say that you love her?’ he said to Wang Quan.

Wang Quan was stunned, then he got his mind together. He nodded to and looked to Wang Yu.

Wang Yu was surprised they all came to a consensus so quickly.

He nodded.

‘Good, then lets talk about the next steps.


44 The truth comes out.

Wang Yu, Lu Ran and Li Rui arrived in town.

The stood in front of her building waiting for grandma Su to come out.

In order to avoid scaring Su Yue, they decided it was best to meet the old woman first.

On her way out to by groceries, Grandma was cornered. Her face paled at the sight of them and she tried to run, but Lu Ran caught her. Knowing she couldn’t really out run them, they went to a teahouse.

Being the most familiar with Grandma Su, Lu Ran took the lead in reassuring the old lady.

‘Before, it was our fault for not taking Su Yue’s feelings into consideration. And ever since she left, there hasn’t been a day we didn’t blame ourselves. But Su Yue has given birth and one of us may be the father of the children.

‘Grandma, for the sake of the babies, can you allow us the chance to atone for our mistakes and take care of Su Yue?’ (Zuben: Are you trying to mindbreak Grandma too?!)

Grandma Su was very shocked. She never understood the true reason why Su Yue wanted to runaway from A City, but as time went by, she had theories but didn’t want to go down that rabbit hole so she lived peacefully. It wasn't until the babies were born and one looked like Wang Yu, the other Li An, that her suspicions came back.

And now, her suspicions were true!

‘You! You’re all despicable! You guys have the nerve to come here, after what you did! After Su Yue was so generous and kind to all of you. Patient with you?!’

‘No. Leave. Stay away from my Yue and the babies. We’ll be fine without you!’

She got up, shaking, but Wang Yu rushed and knelt before her. (Zuben: Imagine three shot slow mo, kneeling with martial arts sound effects)


‘We lost our minds, but please give us a change. The babies shouldn’t be without their father. And Xiao Yue should have someone looking after her.’

‘For now, we just want to make sure she had the best the money can buy. And when she’s out of confinement, and the babies are older, we can have a talk with Xiao Yue, and if she doesn’t want to see us again, we will withdraw.’

Lu Ran and Li Rui nodded quickly.

‘Grandma, I’m a doctor,’ Li Rui said, (Zuben: doctor of…?), ‘I know how best to help Yueyue recover quickly. Please let me do my part.’

Grandma Su looked at all the men in turn; she knew she wouldn't be able to leave if she didn’t agree.

‘Fine. No contact till after her confinement. And if she doesn’t want to see you after that, you don’t bother her anymore.’


Although, Lu Ran and Li Rui were reluctant, they had to agree.

So in the next few weeks, an expensive confinement nurse appeared.

Grandma was always getting texts on her phone, going out surreptitiously, and coming back with expensive food, clothing for her and the babies, toys. When she searched online and saw the prices, suspicion on who was bank rolling this grew.

But, she pretended not to know. She was still healing, and the babies were still little. She couldn’t run anywhere. But she asked Xiao Yi to watch her grandma and see who she was meeting with.

Xiao Yi quickly found out that the stuff grandma was bringing were giving to her by three handsome men.

Su Yue’s suspicion was confirmed.

‘Yue-yue, who are those guys anyway? I’ve never seen so many handsome men in one place. One of them even looks like Xiao Le-’ (Zuben: I know names are hard but does everyone have to be Xiao-??. One forgets who’s who!)

Since Su Yue appeared with her grandma nine months ago, tired and scared, Xiao Yi felt she had an air of mystery surrounding her.

A few weeks later, she found out she was pregnant, and she fancied it was a “running away with the ball” situation like in novels.

And now it turned out to be true!

And it wasn’t just one, but three!

Their Yue-yue was so lucky!

She looked at the babies in the cradle, they must take after their dads. Xiao Yi suddenly felt a little envious. She would be happy if she got just one handsome guy and give birth to cute babies. She would have no regrets.

Looking at the photos Xiao Yi had taken, although the features were not clear, she could tell who was who. It was strange that they hadn’t come to her directly. She was very worried.

She wondered if they were here for her or the babies. They were her heart and soul, there was no way she would just hand them over.

Xiao Yi turned back to her, ‘What’s wrong? You look upset.’ She quickly came to sit beside her.

Su Yue could help the tears that began to fall.

‘Oh no, don’t cry.’ Xiao Yi quickly hugged her.

‘They-they’re not good people!’

Seeing her friend so upset, ‘If you say they are not good people, I will help you get rid of them. Please don’t cry, such emotional fluctuations are not good for you.’

Su Yue nodded and tried to dry her tears, and opened up to Xiao Yi about why she came to the town.

Xiao Yi was shocked. They were not just three there were six?! (Zuben: Greedy, I know)And the youngest was an eighteen year old in high school?!

What kind of fairy tale was this? There were people that existed that can fascinate so many men at the same time? And not only were they good looking, they were rich?

So lucky!

Xiao Yi wanted to do a martial arts sign of respect for Su Yue.

She was so awesome.

‘So what you’re saying is, Xiao Le is for Wang Yu and Xiao Wan belongs to Li An?’

Su Yue blushed, sniffed and nodded, ‘It looks like that.’ though they hadn’t done a DNA test, the children's’ appearance were too distinct.

Based on what Su Yue had told her, Xiao Yi deduced Su Yue liked Wang Yu the most, but the man who liked her the most was Li An, the youngest with the simplest mind.

‘Do they know the babies are theirs?’

To Xiao Yi, they must know, which was why they were in their small town. But...if that was the case, the others would not be here. So it was likely that her friend was worried about the wrong thing.

‘Not sure.’

‘Then it’s easy to solve,’ Xiao Yi said with a smile, ‘show all of them the picture of the babies, and except for Wang Yu and Li An, the rest will have to leave. If they are just here for the babies, that is...’

‘How could it be resolved that easily?’ Su Yue said incredulously, her friend was too idealistic.

Xiao Yi snickered, ‘In your heart, you know damn well they are not just here for the children but also for you.’ she laughed.

‘No-nonsense,’ Su Yue stammered, blushing furiously.

Xiao Yi was laughing at her, and Su Yue threw a pillow at her.

She caught it and carried on laughing, ‘Why you so mad?’

‘I think you’re being pretentious. I would be so happy if six handsome guys said they liked me.’ She said hugging the pillow and falling back into the bed.

‘Not just six! As long as the body can handle it, I will take a dozen handsome men! It wouldn't be too much!’

Su Yue burst out laughing from Xiao Yi’s outrageous comments. But talking to Xiao Yi had helped, she was no longer so worried.

When the laughter died, Xiao Yi turned to her, resting her head on her hand, ‘I say, these men must be very busy, but they left their work to come and guard you secretly. They probably were afraid to scare and anger you, that’s why they haven’t spoken to you directly.’

‘I feel that their feelings must be sincere. After all, they’ve had time to think of their actions.’

Su Yue grew thoughtful.

Xiao Yi reached out and patted her hand, ‘You don’t need to worry. I think the escape would have scared them, and they wouldn’t want to make the same mistakes. Once your confinement is done, it is best to talk to everyone openly.

‘If they’ve truly learned their lesson, they wouldn’t dare go overboard again.’

Su Yue looked sceptical, ‘Don’t worry. I will protect you this time. If they dare try anything, I’ll call the police. But if you’re willing, I will step aside and pretend I know nothing.’

Su Yue stared at her in astonishment.

Xiao Yi burst out laughing.

Though Su Yue had been celibate since she moved to the town, Xiao Yi felt she must long for that feeling again. After all, she had been sleeping with six men. Thinking about Su Yue’s recollection of her experiences, Xiao Yi did not believe that Su Yue hated having sex with them. It sounded like she enjoyed it. So why was she worried?

Having six men to serve you was cool, okay!

Ah, she envied Su Yue so much.

Su Yue blushed again, and didn’t want to talk about it anymore, but Xiao Yi sat up and grasped her hands,

‘Listen, you should first clarify within yourself whether you have feelings for them, who you have feelings for or not.’

‘If you don’t love or like any of them, then we have to think of how to make them give up.’

‘And if I do…?’

‘We need to make them jump through hoops. You have to be brave and confident to grasp your happiness.’

Yue-yue lost her confidence because of that scammer she married, and was afraid she would be used and dumped again. And Su Yue was conservative, despite her body being opposite; six men being your lovers would be too much to get her head around and accept. Not to mention her grandmother.

But why not grab the chance to have romantic happiness and sexual happiness?

Of course, the babies’ fathers had to be given priority.

Su Yue remained silent.



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