Presenting: The Villian Proposed

RiMA - PIXIV Presenting a new novel, raws provided by jasmine🌸, Aa88 and manhwalover. I hail the consortium! Blurb: Lady Regina Bellua happens upon a murder one fateful evening and sees the killer. The killer is none other than Society's darling, the Duke of Greroy, Arsene Greroy.  And he saw her...

Fucking Everyday 35 - 36


35 Uninvited Guests

Wang Quan and Li Rui had heard the car stop and her laughter before the pair appeared, and they saw Wang Yu carrying Su Yue’s shopping; they were shocked. Another thing that was an eyesore was the two of them getting along.

‘Mr Wang, Mr Li, why are you here?’ she asked nervously, feeling like a wife who got caught cheating.

‘I’m here to see my uncle.’ Wang Quan replied looking at Wang Yu.

‘I was coming for a meeting at a hospital in A City, so I tagged along with Boss Quan.’

Fortunately, he came along, otherwise he would not have known how cunning Wang Quan’s uncle was, coming to Su Yue’s village.

Their original intention was no more noble that Wang Yu; they couldn’t hold it any more, and wanted to convince Su Yue to come back, but also perhaps get along with her alone. After not hearing from her for two weeks, they found that they missed her very much. Only to arrive and find that Wang Yu had beat them to the punch, getting along very nicely with her.

‘So that’s it!’ Su Yue said with forced cheerfulness, ‘then please come in quickly.’ She said leading the men into her grandmother’s home. She didn’t dare look at Wang Yu because both Wang Quan and Li Rui were executives of the Hal, and they both personally arranged clients for her. She was afraid they would reveal her secret life to him.

She was afraid of the consequences, not just with Wang Yu but socially as well.

She was definitely not able to talk about business at her grandmother’s house.

Su Yue introduced the newcomers to her grandma, who welcomed them warmly. When she learned they dropped by to see her and Su Yue’s wellbeing as well, she was even more enthusiastic.

Su Yue was deeply nervous about the three of them, so she went with her grandma to prepare lunch with the shopping she had just got.

Once by themselves, the three men confronted each other.

Although Wang Quan was afraid of his uncle, he stood firmly by Li Rui and condemned Wang Yu.

Wang Yu didn’t take the two younger men seriously, everyone had the same idea, he was just faster than them. Who was better then who?

The most important thing was that he was different from them. He wanted Su Yue as his girlfriend to wife. He believed in his mind was better than them.

Although it was a battle, they did reach a consensus; not to tell the others where they were, at the same time find a way to bring Su Yue back to A City. And as they were at her grandma’s house in the village, they weren’t allowed to do inappropriate things.

A truce was called.

As the day wore on, Su Yue was never alone. All three of them followed her everywhere, afraid one of them would sneak of with her and do things.

Unfortunately, her grandma noticed this making her even more nervous. Sooner or later the paper would not be able to contain the fire.

36 More Uninvited Guests.

The next day, Su Yu was about to talk to her grandma again about coming back to A City with her, when she got visitors.

Lu Ran, Shen Chen and Li An. With similar excuses. Lu Ran, had a business meeting. Shen Chen and Li An tagged along for a holiday.

Su Yue did not believe their excuses at all. Lu Ran only worked at the Hall, what need did he have to travel outside of A City for business. And as for the boys, she was well aware it was not a school holiday.

She realised they were all here to find her. As for what for, she didn’t dare think about it. Her village was very small, so these fair good looking men all at Su Yue’s grandma’s house got tongues wagging.

Before Su Yue could discuss the move to A City, her grandma came to find her.

‘Su Yue, who are these men?’

‘Just acquaintances.’ She replied nervously. Grandma Su suspected it was more, but she didn’t push it.

‘Well, your acquaintances are causing an uproar, I think it’s time for you to go back to City A.’

‘But Grandma, I’m not leaving until you agree to come back with me.’

Grandma Su had been reluctant to go to City A with her, and had used her foot as an excuse, but her granddaughter was stubborn, waiting until she was better.

Su Yue didn’t want to leave without her, and now these men had come to find her. It was obvious that they had come for her, despite their various business meetings. But she was old, and did not understand the young people’s thoughts. (Zuben: They’ve drunk her bathwater, grannie)

Even so, though all the men were handsome, she felt that Wang Yu was the best match for her granddaughter. (Zuben: yes, choose the richest one)

‘You need to go back to home and take these men with you. You don’t want the villagers gossiping about you.’ The longer they stayed, the more trouble it would cause

With them hovering around her, she wasn’t worried about her granddaughter anymore, ever the Jiang Huai incident. She hoped she chooses a reliable man, and live a good life.

‘Grandma, not without you.’

‘But I am old, and used to the village I don’t want to get in your way.’

‘You won’t be in the way. If you don’t come with me, then I’ll stay here.’

In the end, Grandma Su relented.

It took a day with the help of the men to pack up and close the house, and they set out to City A the day after.

The men were all attentive on the journey, and Grandma felt that any of them will do, but her preference was still Wang Yu.

She told Su Yue, which made her laugh but she dismissed the idea.

After getting her grandmother settled, she returned to work at the cake shop. After being away for a few weeks, she needed to sort out many thing and make decisions.

She was busy but happy.

But on the third day after she came back, Li Rui sent her a message asking her to pick up a job.

At that moment, she stilled. It took her a while, but she decided to end her job at the Hall.

In truth, she had been thinking about this before she came back from her village. Now, she made up her mind. It had been nice to be able to make money quickly, but it was time to stop.

She texted Li Rui rejecting the shift, and informed him she would no longer be taking shifts at the Hall.

Li Rui, who had been waiting with anticipation for her response, was crushed. He quickly messaged Lu Ran, Shen Chen and Wang Quan informing them of what Su Yue said.

But by then, she had also texted Lu Ran letting him know that she wanted to resign. With money in the bank, and the cake shop doing well, she felt more secure in her life and so it was best to end it here.

The Steamed Bun Alliance chat group exploded.

[What should we do?! Our baby wants to resign.] (Zuben: Cos she ain’t no one’s baby)

[Does anyone know why?]

[Uncle, you had the most contact with baby, do you understand why she’s resigning]

When Wang Yu heard the voice note, he smiled; from the moment she accepted him by default, he knew this was coming. Even if she didn’t leave voluntarily, he would have arranged for it. What he didn’t expect was for her to be so decisive.

[How would I know? I don’t read her mind]

[In addition, the work at the Hall is voluntary, if Xiao-Yue wants to quit, she has every freedom to]

[What are you talking about, Xiao Shu? You know what baby means to us]

[Xiao Shu, don’t think you’re above us, without her working her, you can’t touch her either]

[Gentlemen, you seem to forget I was at her grandma’s house before you, and she was very affectionate to me.]

[Xiao Shu, you’re cunning. Tell us honestly, did you and our baby do things before we arrived?]

[Wang Quan, it’s your fault for bring this fox into our midst. Our darling is going to be abducted by this arsehole. I don’t accept this.]

[Me either, our darling belongs to all of us] (Zuben: Has she consented to this?)

They were not dumb, from his words, they would infer he was the reason but her resignation. He sneered listening to their condemnation and put his phone down. He had no time for their petty jealousies.

After a few minutes, he didn’t hear the notifications from the group, so he picked up his phone to find out that he had been kicked out of the Steambun Alliance chat group.

Those little bastards must be preparing to unite and deal with him.

Pushing up his glasses, he had a cold glint in his eye.

Did they think he was afraid of them?



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