Presenting: The Villian Proposed

RiMA - PIXIV Presenting a new novel, raws provided by jasmine🌸, Aa88 and manhwalover. I hail the consortium! Blurb: Lady Regina Bellua happens upon a murder one fateful evening and sees the killer. The killer is none other than Society's darling, the Duke of Greroy, Arsene Greroy.  And he saw her...

Fucking Everyday 31 - 32


31 Showing Care and Concern

Three months passed in the blink of an eye.

Two weeks after her discussion with Wang Yu, she accepted his investment offer. The shop premises was located in a happening part of town, not far from her community. With Wang Yu’s help, she was able to open the bakery café within six weeks of accepting his offer.

It had now been a month since she had opened and business was pretty brisk. Although she was tired, Su Yue felt a deep sense of accomplishment. Of course, she still had her shifts at the Hall, so she had employed two girls to help with baking and service.

When the others heard about Wang Yu investing in Su Yue’s business, they protested; he was putting himself in an advantageous position with her. But he was also the richest and most powerful of them, but Wang Quan had no choice but to side with him, so in the end, they all had to keep shut.

So, they visited Su Yue’s shop whenever they were free; they couldn’t let Wang Yu occupy Su Yue’s attention alone.

At the time, Wang Yu did indeed have most contact with Su Yue., Su Yue’s feelings for Wang Yu were deepening, she hadn’t been able to help herself. She couldn’t only pretend to be an ostrich and bury her head in the sand, hoping the status quo could be maintained.

After Wang Yu, the next person she saw a lot of Li An; he had used his “little brother” status to worm his way into helping at her shop. Though he claimed he needed a part-time job, it was just an excuse to spend more time with Su Yue.

This also caused ire and an envy amongst the men. With the others busy at work or at university, the high school student was the freest amongst them.

After another shift at the Hall, Su Yue returned home. When she transferred money from her WeChat to her bank account, she found that she had saved 1.2million yuan.

With this much, she could buy the building she lived without a mortgage!

Excitement built within her. Tomorrow, she would go call the estate agent and landlord.

With good feelings, Su Yue went to bed.

The next morning, dawned bright, but a call brought a dark cloud over Su Yue; it was from her grandmother’s neighbour in the village, to inform her that her grandmother was in the hospital with a broken foot.

Su Yue immediately packed and bought train ticket to her home town. On her way, she called her assistants to let them know the situation and put them in charge of the café.

When she reached the town, she took a taxi straight to the hospital. Her grandmother’s foot injury was not serious, and would be better in a few weeks, but the doctor found that her grandmother had other underlying issues that needed to be addressed with long-term medication and monitoring.

Su Yue listened carefully while planning her next move; she was going to take her grandmother back to City A with her. They could easily live on the small profit from the café, and she could look after her grandmother and make sure she was taking her medication and attending her hospital appointments.

As for the Hall, she would have to reduce her working days, but she still needed to save that nest egg before resigning. Once she was out of it, she would completely face the café and live a normal life.

Back in City A, it was Li Rui’s turn to have a session with the Steamed buns, but when he messaged her to arrange a time, she informed him that she was away and did not know when she was returning.

Li Rui was annoyed and disappointed, but he didn’t say anything to her, but asked her to contact him when she returned. She agreed.

In the meantime, he sent a text in the Steam-bun Alliance group chat, informing them of her being away.

After the text from Li Rui, Su Yue realised she hadn’t told any of the managers that she was going to be away, so she quickly texted them letting them know of the situation with her grandmother. And also posted on her Moments.

Once Su Yue informed the rest, the men complained in the group chat.

[I don’t know how long it would take for my baby to come back, any longer, and I am going to die of thirst.] Li Rui said. He’d been craving her for a week, and had been looking forward to their session.

Now he could only sigh at his hungry member.

[You’re horny? Everyone is the same] Lu Ran texted, [Right now, we should think of a way to support her rather than complain]

[Lu-ge is right] Li An piped in.

[Hear hear], added Shen Chen.

[Lao Li, aren’t you a doctor? You should have asked our darling how you could have helped her grandmother, or see how you could get her into your hospital] Wang Quan asked. (Zuben: He should have but his dick was on and brain was off)

[This way, wouldn’t baby come back quicker?]

[Of course!] He immediately started to care about her again. But he learned that her grandmother’s injury was not serious but she did need to care for her at home for a few weeks, Li Rui wilted again.

He returned to the group chat and informed everyone of the news, every one became dejected. But Wang Yu said, [If you truly cared about her, you wouldn’t all just be thinking about satisfying yourselves, but will be considerate of her]

[You should care about her well-being outside of the hall, and help her not be anxious]

The other men cursed Wang Yu in their heart, thinking he was being hypocritical. (Zuben: That’s why he’s number one, and the rest of you are hangers-on)

But they did as he said, asking about her well-being from day to day and sending red envelops and care packages.

The largest gift was from Wang Yu, of course.

Su Yue was very moved by their generous gestures, and initially didn’t want to accept the gifts, but with a lot of pressing and cajoling, she accepted.

When Su Yue’s grandmother noticed her using her phone a lot, she asked her if there was an issue. When she told her of the men’s generosity, her grandmother smiled,

‘Just keep it,’ she advised, ‘When one of them encounters trouble, just make sure to return the favour.’

‘I guess.’ Su Yue said with a vague smile.

‘How is Jiang Haui? How come he hasn’t called? Is he busy at work?’

Su Yue’s expression froze. After a long hesitation, she eventually confessed. They had divorced. He had only married her to conceal the fact he was gay.

Her grandmother was angry on her behalf, ‘How could he do this to you?!’

‘Grandma, don’t be angry. It’s been six months, and I got a settlement.’ She said to placate her grandmother. It was also to explain the large sum of money she had in hand to buy the flat.

After scolding Jiang Haui, she looked at her grand-daughter, ‘Is there really no chance of reconciliation?’

She didn’t really understand how Jiang Huai preferred men. She felt that their divorce was over something else.

Su Yue shook her head, ‘This was the best for both of us.’

‘I’m doing well now. I have a café, and life is more fulfilling.’

Most importantly, she can become a homeowner, and look after her grandmother without worry.

‘I see. Well, I am old, and don’t understand the thoughts of you young people.’

Su Yue smiled softly, and took her grandma’s hand. ‘You’ll never be old, Grandma.’ She said sweetly.

‘And besides, your blessings for your hard work are yet to come. Once your foot is healed, I want to take you back with me.’

‘When the time comes, I will buy a house and we will never have to be separated again.’

The older woman looked shocked, ‘How come?’

‘You know, the settlement I told you Jian Huai gave me.’

Learning of this, her resentment towards Jiang Huai faded. But she didn’t want to move to City A, she feared she will drag Su Yue down.

Su Yue smiled, she had enough time to convince her.

32 Can’t Wait.

Su Yue had been away in her hometown for ten days much to the discomfort of the Steam-bun Alliance. Though they had decided to be patient and give their baby time, but it had been ten days and it was beginning to look like she had no intention of coming back.

Every day, she posted pictures of places and food in her home town, happily unaware of the misery she was causing.

Li Rui and Wang Quan, the most impulsive of the group, could barely sit still. But, even Wang Yu was unsteady.

One evening after a video chat with Su Yue, he asked his secretary to book a ticket to City C. He had to go because he had found out that her grandmother was setting up blind dates for Su Yue!

If she was going to be with someone, she could only be with him. How could he allow her to be handed over to someone else?

So the next evening, a flashy car drove into Su Yue’s village up to Grandma Su’s house. The neighbours taking in the night air or having dinner outside stared in shock as the shiny car drove past.

When the car pulled up, and a very handsome Wang Yu stepped out, Su Yue was shocked. The villagers gawked.

She got up to meet him, ‘Wang-ge, how come?’

‘I was in C city on business and decided to drop by.’

‘Ah, I see,’ Su Yue didn’t dare think too much.

He turned to greet her grandmother, and she invited him to dinner. Watching them over the meal, grandmother Su found that Wang Yu seemed like her granddaughter, but her grand-daughter seemed not to notice.

She was surprised, she found Wang Yu gentlemanly and attentive, which made her like him.

Later that evening after Wang Yu left, her grandmother spoke to Su Yu, ‘Tell me the truth, is this man pursuing you?’

This man, in both appearance and condition, was better than any man she could introduce her to.

‘No, but he did help me in getting the money for opening the café.’ Su Yue replied evasively.

But why would he be willing to do that without any interest in Su Yue. It would be strange if he didn’t. This girl has been hiding things from her.

‘Grandma, don’t imagine strange things, we’re just friends.’ She said with a blush. She really couldn’t admit that Wang Yu did indeed like her, but the greater the hope the deeper the disappointment. She herself didn’t dare imagine anything with him.

Even if she wanted to date him, she had to resign from the Hall, and make an agreement with Wang Quan.

‘Would someone who’s just a friend come all the way here to see you?’ Grandma Su retorted before sighing and said, ‘You should go back to A city, you’ve been away too long.’

‘Now that someone has come all the way here, you should go back with him.’ She didn’t want to interfere with Su Yue’s life.

Xiao Yu seemed like a nice man, and she felt relieved that he was dating Su Yue.

‘Grandma, you’re really misunderstanding. And once your fracture is healed, you’re coming too. So don’t think about anything else.’

Grandma Su sighed; she really couldn’t win against Su Yue.

The next day, Wang Yu returned with an overnight bag, saying he was taking leave for a few days. 



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