Presenting: The Villian Proposed

RiMA - PIXIV Presenting a new novel, raws provided by jasmine🌸, Aa88 and manhwalover. I hail the consortium! Blurb: Lady Regina Bellua happens upon a murder one fateful evening and sees the killer. The killer is none other than Society's darling, the Duke of Greroy, Arsene Greroy.  And he saw her...

Fucking Everyday 29 - 30


29 Golden Pie Falling from the Sky

In the blink of an eye, another month passed, and Su Yue’s period arrived, so she took a week off. She was grateful for this because she was taking her final exams at the baking school. After the six-week course, Su Yue felt she had mastered the methods of making desserts. Also, following the patisserie chef teacher’s encouragement, she decided to start selling the cakes and desserts she made on a website. She used her WeChat moments to advertise her cakes, and she got an order right away. The first was Lu Ran, who was so proud of her, he ordered forty cakes to be sent to the experience hall for party activities.

Wang Quan ordered one hundred and twenty tarts for his company, while Li Rui ordered twenty-eight for his colleagues in his department at the hospital.

Shen Chen ordered twenty-six cupcakes to take to school.

Wang Yu and Li An just added her as friends on WeChat; Li Rui ordered forty cupcakes for his class.

Wang Yu, on the other hand, made her an offer.

[My company has a few empty restaurant spaces on it’s portfolio. We could offer you one of them, Xiao Yue, if you’re willing – we can work together. I will give you starting capital to start the business; in exchange, I have forty percent stakehold in the business.]

He smiled as he typed this. She was his darling, of course, he was willing to pamper her. It was a shame that it took him a long time to find an opportunity to help her. His nephew and his friends were guarded against him.

He wanted to find an opportunity to rescue her and keep her all to himself. It hadn’t been easy, but his efforts were not in vain.

After expending a lot of patience and time, he finally got close to her.

Seeing this, Su Yue’s eyes lit up. He would finance her but only asking for a forty percent stake in the company?

Was there such a pie in the sky?

She wanted to say yes immediately, but thinking about it, she said, [Thank you for your offer, but I haven’t finished learning yet. Besides, we’ve only known each other for a short time…your generosity makes me feel a bit uneasy.]

He called her, ‘Hello, are you upset?’ she asked when she picked up the call.

‘No, although we haven’t known each other long, I know you’re a good sensible lady. I have confidence in investing in you. And,’

The way he said his last word somehow made Su Yue blush with intrigue.

‘And what?’ she asked timidly.

She had met this Wang Ye at the park she ran in, in the morning two weeks ago. She had been harassed by some man, and he showed up in the nick of time to help her. (Zuben: Stalking. Staged)

He had asked to add her on WeChat to check up on her. Seeing he was so nice, she didn’t refuse. As they chatted day to day, she learned he was Wang Quan’s uncle, and the CEO of the Wang family companies.

But despite all that, he was very kind and gentle, and superbly handsome.

But, she couldn’t shake the feeling that they had met before, perhaps at the Hall? But she quickly dismissed such a thought, why would a lofty man like Wang Yu be in a base place like the Experience Hall.

She must have gotten too lecherous.

‘I have a good impression of you,’ he continued, ‘and would like to date you. I know it’s sudden because we haven’t known each other long, so I hope you’re not burdened by my pursuit. I just want to be able to see you more. Also, the investment is not related to the pursuit.’

He walked around his office nervously as he spoke. No one outside of those walls would ever imagine their cold bloodless CEO blushing while trying to woo a lady.

After saying all that, Wang Yu regretted it immediately, he was too rushed and gauche.

Even if he wanted to confess his feelings, he shouldn’t have been so careless. He didn’t have any plan of action; he just blurted it out. And his Xiao-Yue seemed to be the type of girl who liked being romanced. He should have created a romantic mood before confessing. (Zuben: Mr Man, when, in between her booked and busy diary fucking all six of you, were you going to create this romantic atmosphere? Once a month, during her period?)

He had been too hasty.

But he didn’t realise, Su Yue already liked him too. Upon hearing his impulsive confession, her little heart was pounding, about to leap out of her chest in joy.

‘I know, Wang-gege…but opening a shop isn’t a small matter. Can I think about it for a couple of days?’

Forgive her being like a turtle and retreating into her shell.

After the surprise confession, and the feeling of elation died, she became afraid. She had self-awareness; she was just an ordinary girl. Not even ordinary, beneath that; she was a divorced, unemployed nothing.

Even though she earned a lot from the work at the experience hall, it wasn’t something one could proudly declare doing?

A rich and noble person like Wang Yu only confessed because he didn’t truly know her. If he knew of her history, and her work at the experience centre, he would regret ever even meeting her.

She had to think of the worst-case scenario, as his nephew Wang Quan was also a part owner of the hall.

She suddenly felt rueful, but as soon as the feeling came, she dismissed it. Though she liked Wang Yu, being independent was more important. She had been married once before, and had lost her self to her own detriment; she didn’t want to make the same mistake again.

Without love one can still live well, but without money, one wouldn’t be able to survive. For her, right now, making money was more important. She wanted to save enough to buy a flat and have a good nest egg to live comfortably.

‘Of course, you can take your time. I just hope that you would also consider the other matter.’

‘But you don’t have to feel pressured to answer me,’ he quickly added, ‘I can wait.’

She hadn’t rejected him directly which was good news. He would be patient and take her heart little by little.

Hearing this, Su Yue froze, but she calmed down and sent another voice note, ‘Wang-ge, I have thought about it and I don’t think it’s a good idea.’

Su Yue slumped on the sofa after she pressed send. She felt uncomfortable, but she didn’t regret it. Since things were destined not to have a good ending, why start at all. He seemed so sincere, and she felt worse as though she was taking advantage.

It was a pity, if she had gone to university, and not married Jiang Haui, nor worked at the experience hall, she would have definitely dated Wang Yu. (Zuben: Except you wouldn’t have met him without the experience hall.)

Imagined what could have been, Su Yue felt a bit heartbroken, but she also acquired and increased determination to work harder to make money and start her life over.

On his side, Wang Yu’s expression sank when he heard Su Yue’s message, he didn’t respond right away.

‘Xiao Yue, I respect your decision, however, I hope you will consider my company’s sponsorship again. As I said before, this has nothing to do with how I feel about you. You don’t need to feel burdened.’

‘If we can’t be lovers, I hope we can still be friends? If you don’t mind, would you like to be my sworn sister?’

A sister was fine, as long as she was a lover as well.

Su Yue was moved hearing his message, but at the same time, she felt even guiltier, she wanted to tell him she wasn’t a good woman. But she couldn’t say it, she didn’t want to damage the image of her that he had in his heart.

After sitting in thought for a while, her heart won over her logic and she replied, ‘I’ll think about it for a few days.’

She put her phone aside and went to work on finishing her orders in the kitchen. As she baked, her worries were gradually forgotten.

30 Addictive

At the appointed time, Lu Ran and Li Rui came to pick up their orders. Though she occasionally chatted with Li Rui on WeChat, this was the first time she had ever met him. She was quite surprised that he was also good looking.

‘Wang Quan and I have also just moved to this area,’ he told her, ‘We’ll be neighbours from now on, so Yue-yue, invite us to dinner like you invited Lu Ran and Shen Chen.’

‘You can’t just treat one group favourably.’

Su Yu was a little stunned, hearing a handsome guy calling her “Yue-yue” made her blush,

‘Um, sure. When I can, I’ll invite you both to dinner.’

They were big men she couldn’t afford to offend.

Li Rui’s eyes lit up, ‘It’s a promise.’

He teased Su Yu for a while before leaving in a good mood. This woman was very open and courageous behind her blind-fold at the Hall, but in real life, she was so shy. Very cute.

In the next couple of days, Wang Quan, Shen Chen and Li An came to pick up their orders. She was surprised to see that the two she hadn’t met, Wang Quan and Li An, were also handsome guys. While she felt a sense of distance with Wang Quan, she had no resistance to Li An and his cute dimples. Calling her “Yue-jie” from the moment they met, he wormed his way into her space. He convinced her into allowing him to help with her burgeoning patisserie business.

‘Yue-jie, you’re so skilful,’ he said while she was speedily icing cupcakes, ‘whoever marries you in the future will be so lucky.’ (Zuben: Over icing cupcakes?)

As he spent more time with her, he became completely enamoured with her. The kind that couldn’t quit. He knew that his elder brother had used her to trap and control him, and was trying to plot his downfall, but it didn’t matter, he cooperated with his brother at home. Although it occasionally made their father annoyed, it meant that his brother wasn’t complaining as much, and visited home more often.

In turn, his brother allowed him to go to the sex club and fuck Yue-jie. He was really addicted to having sex with her. He could barely suppress his addiction, if he didn’t sleep with her, he would have sex dreams about her.

But in the outside world, she was an entirely different person to the faceless woman in the experience hall. Although she was poor, she had a lot mental fortitude and positivity. She was full of sunshine. She was focussed on living a good life, unlike the women in their strata of society, always wanting to get close to him and his elder brother for their agendas. (Zuben: It’s kinda the same, but okay)

It was a shame she wasn’t an ordinary woman, who had nothing to do with his elder brother and his dissolute friends, that way, he would have pursued her as her own woman. Unfortunately, such a thought was doomed to fail. The other men in the group were equally rich and powerful, more mature and capable than he was. He knew not to compete directly with them, but in his own manner, he hoped to plant a space in Yue-jie’s heart.

‘What’s this?’ she asked in response to his comment, ‘You, Xiao-An, it’s your future wife that will be lucky. You’re a handsome and caring young man.’

She realised she was beginning to see him as a younger brother. It would be great if she had a younger brother like him, she sighed inwardly. At home, he was helpful, outside, he was admirable.

Li An blushed, ‘Do you really think so, Yue-jie?’ he asked. It was on the tip of his tongue to reveal his feelings for her. But he didn’t say it for fear of destroying the friendship he worked to establish.

‘Of course,’ she responded with a bright smile, ‘Look at your blushing face; do you have already have a girl you like?’

Looking at Su Yue, his face turned redder.

‘Yea, it’s a pity she doesn’t know it yet.’ He said bluntly looking at her.

The smile faded from her eyes, and she looked away.

‘These just need to set, then we can pack the for delivery.’ She said, as she took off her apron and left the kitchen, ‘I’ll just be a sec.’

She went to the bathroom and took a deep breath, ‘Damn…’ when he had looked at her like that, she found her heart beating erratically. Why was she like this?

Li An watched Su Yue leave and touched his nose ruefully.

He waited patiently until she returned, and they packed the cakes for delivery.



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