‘I was just admiring them, I don’t think cute things suit me though,’ Matilda said, slightly uncomfortable that she was exposed. ‘Don’t be silly, cute things would absolutely suit you.’ ‘Yes, let’s try it.’ Another person said ‘Oh no, let’s not!’ she said, she became flustered. (Zuben: You’re the future queen right?) ‘There is a distance between what you like and what you actually have, it’s dark.’ Julia, the chief of staff, clapped her hands loudly, ‘Everyone! We have lost track of what we’re doing.’ They all quieted down. ‘Let’s put down what we have discussed so far. We will note the things that Princess Matilda is interested in pursuing and leave the rest to his Majesty. Agata, please take notes,’ She did not like flamboyant clothes. She did like cute things like small accessories. She was interested in Barenshiaga handicraft industry and other speciality craft. She was interested in post war redevelopment, education, service and welfare. She was inte...