Can't be arsed with searching for pix so you get game screenshots! Game: TERA. 76 A Friend. Not A Friend: In the spacious room, there was a long dinner table, and sofas placed in the corner of the room to wait while their food was being served. The waiters placed the dishes on the table; they were beautifully presented meals, a few of which were not on the menu. Once the meals were placed down, the group sat to eat. Mu Zeyuan came up to where Mo Yan was sitting and sat beside her, ‘Does the food look good to you?’ he asked softly. Watching them, Shen Yu could see Mu Zeyuan admiring Mo Yan’s body. Good! The eyes of these high-quality men were on point, but how did she know these people at the same time. Mo Yan hmm’d and nodded as she sipped her wine. ‘Hello, I’m Fang Qianxin. How do you know Yan-yan?’ Seeing Qianxin trying to ingratiate herself again, Mo Yan could not help but speak up, ‘I just said I don’t want to be friends with you anymore. Please stop pr...